Tap Tv Tonight

Launching a Location Based Gaming Service

Tap Tv was a month away from public release when I started at AMI Entertainment. Not only did they need an elegant companion website to help spread the good word about Tap TV and all it has to offer, it needed supplement the app with a few key features.


I collected questions I had about my users’ contexts, attitudes, and motivations. Questions included things like: “What influences a player to try destination gaming” and “What types of information are typically looking for”. I also coordinate efforts with our Chicago based development team to understand what shortcomings the native app wasn’t able to support.

A National Schedule for Everyone.

Our Trivia schedule was nearly always under active development and regularly shuffling. So any player solution needed to be responsive and flexible to handle any changes that could come down the pike a head of any app release.

I coordinated with the engineering department to expose schedule information through the use of a public api. Getting the information was then only half the battle though. I then had to recompile the information into a format that was easy for visitors to quickly glance at and know whats currently playing along with a full descriptive schedule with a time adjusted for their location.

Using Information I could retrieve directly from the users device and moment js. I would then shift our standard UTC schedule to display relative to their current time zone.


Wordpress was selected as a cms of choice because several employees had previous experience with it as a publishing platform and enjoyed it. I also had suitable enough experience with it to know it would meet our requirements.

underscores.me was used used as a starting framework theme. Sass/compass was used to keep our css clean, tidy and responsive.

In conjuction with our Chicago development team, I partnered up to help develop an API to retrieve our trivia schedule information. To display this information a custom plugin and post type was also then implemented.